Jackson Isaac Regan, age 3, of Easton, Pennsylvania, passed away at home in his parents’ loving arms on January 25th, 2024, following an incredibly brave and courageous battle with brain cancer.
Born on April 21st, 2020 to parents Jonny Regan and Kristy Henry, Jackson had a beautiful “old soul” and filled the lives of family, friends, and everyone he knew with sweetness and love. His angelic smile lit up a room and his precious giggles were enough to warm any heart. He enjoyed spending time outdoors with family, hiking and exploring nature, going for field walks and “buggy rides” up the mountain, and jumping on the trampoline. He loved snuggling, especially with his dad in their chair, and lounging in his rocker while watching his favorite TV shows and movies. He also loved many books and music, and enjoyed rocking out to Fleetwood Mac and Led Zeppelin.
Jackson is survived by his loving parents, Jonny Regan and Kristy Henry of Easton, PA; baby sister, Hazel Regan; oldest sister, Scarlett-Ember Blanco; older brother, Caidrian Blanco; grandparents, Carol Regan of Towanda, PA, Joe Regan of Owego, NY, and Norm and Inger Henry of Thompson, PA; his loving dogs, Fern and Rusty; and many extended family who love and care for him dearly. He is predeceased by his very best friend and shadow, his yellow lab, Molson.
In lieu of a funeral, a Celebration of Life will be held at a later date. At the request of Jackson’s parents, please direct all donations to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in Memphis, TN.
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Phone: 610.258.7021